It's that time of year again! The election is around the corner and it looks to be another contentious one at that. Every election matters, but we tend to feel that more is at stake when it's a presidential election. Anxiety runs high as we consider the implications of this candidate or that one. The fact that I'm writing about it may cause some heart rates to quicken a bit. My encouragement to you as you read is to take a deep breath with me, fixing our eyes on Jesus, remembering who is ultimately in control of our community, our nation and our world. In light of remembering God's sovereignty, I want to offer some pastoral wisdom for the occasion. I'm not interested in swaying people's minds one way or another. I'd rather the people of God vote their consciences after prayerfully weighing the options. We should be rooted in Christ first, then make a prayerful effort to vote in a way that we believe will benefit our communities and nation best, working toward a more just and peaceful world.
I've been reflecting on what kind of posture Christian believers should have when voting and I keep coming back to the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are meant to give us a picture of how to best love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. If that is truly our ultimate goal, those principles should apply to all our lives, certainly how we vote. I took the Ten Commandments and paraphrased them to more directly apply to our posture in the election. I invite you to reflect on these commitments with me.
1. I will look to the LORD my God alone as my ultimate hope and salvation.
2. I will not make an idol out of any one candidate or political party. I will not bow down to them or worship them.
3. I will not misuse God's holy name in any way he does not intend. I will not wrongfully attach his name to causes he would not bless. I will also bear the name "Christian" in a way that glorifies Christ.
4. I will honor the Sabbath by intentionally turning away from the worries of this world to find my rest and delight in the God who walks with me. I will come back to him and let him restore my soul.
5. I will honor all those in authority God places over me, even if I don't vote for them. I will submit to them except in matters that directly contradict God's Word.
6. I will be an advocate for the life of all God's image-bearers regardless of ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, legal status, born or unborn, prisoner or free.
7. I will not abandon my family, friends or fellow believers if they don't meet my expectations. Relationships matter more than votes.
8. I will satisfy myself with God's provision and guard against greed. I will responsibly "give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's".
9. I will not twist someone else's words, take them out of context, or mischaracterize a person. Instead, I will only speak what is true and seek to guard the name and reputation even of those with whom I disagree.
10. I will submit my worldly desires to God and trust that God's kingdom will come in his own way in his own timing.
I pray these help us think about what matters most in this life--the God we serve and the people he has placed around us. I pray this frees us from our need to control other people's opinions and accept the results God has planned. Let us go to the ballot boxes with grace and peace, trusting God will always be faithful regardless of the outcome.